
Advertising on Google

Advertising on Google

Google's top 4 spots are for paying customers only! You may have noticed the first four search results typically have the word "Ad" clearly indicated. Google knows, getting seen at the top of their search engine's results can be extremely valuable, depending on the search phrase. As such, the...

What the heck? We're currently the #2 SEO company in Regina according to Google.

What the heck? We're currently the #2 SEO company in Regina according to Google.

Posted in Web Design Regina / SEO / Regina SEO / SEO Company Regina

Recently we noticed Squareflo now holds the #2 (and #3) spot on Google for the search term "Regina SEO". We were a bit shocked, and here's why.  When we started Squareflo in 2005 we never had aspirations of becoming the best Search Engine Optimization (SEO) company in Regina. Jaco, one of...

Regina's best Search Engine Marketing (SEM) package.

Regina's best Search Engine Marketing (SEM) package.

Here's everything you need to know about "Super Support", Squareflo's dedicated Search Engine Marketing (SEM) package. What is Super Support Super Support is an add-on package we created for our existing clients and other businesses in Regina who need help with their Search Engine Marketing...